Assomption-Bondy School

The DNMADe Innovation sociale has been managed by the Assomption Bondy establishment since 2020. This school has hosted students from primary school to high school since 1955.

Who are we?

L’Assomption Bondy is a Catholic educational institution, under an association contract with the state.

Resolutely open to all, Assomption Bondy offers an education focused on respect for all, liberties and a sense of responsibility, discovering the spiritual dimension of existence.

In this way, we provide our students with an education based on the Christian vision of the person and human relationships, in a climate of hope which, we believe and we strive to achieve, can be an opportunity for each of them.

“Above all, Education at Assomption will give convictions, set roots which, sooner or later, would give fruits.”

Saint Marie-Eugénie, foundress of the Sisters of Assomption.

assomption sup

Assomption Sup’ gathers 800 students on 6 different campuses throughout France: Lyon, Chambéry, Bordeaux and Bondy. Our institutions offer a wide variety of courses, from bac+2 to bac+3, in initial or work-study programs.

All our courses are available on the platform Parcoursup. You can also find this network of post-baccalaureate courses on the website of the organization

Our team


Chef d’établissement

M. Benoît VARDON

Directeur adjoint

Mme Pascale FOSTIER

Directrice Déléguée aux Formations Professionnelles et Technologiques

Mme Véronique VOLTEAU

Adjointe de direction

Mme Cécile PINEAU

Responsable de vie scolaire